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New parents literally get confused when they go through their child’s vaccination schedule because of all the medical terms and letters used on it. To better understand the need of getting your baby vaccinated, it is extremely important for you to know which vaccinations for prp treatment in dubai are meant to prevent against which diseases.


When you check the vaccination schedule of your baby, you will notice that your little bundle of joy is going to start receiving the rota vaccine at about two months of age. The term rota stands for the rota virus, and this is a diseases that has the potential to trigger a severe bout of diarrhea among young children. The most common source through which this virus is spread is that of through fecal oral transmission.  A majority of children get infected by drinking water or consuming food that has already been contaminated with the virus. When this disease attacks the body, the child starts having severe vomiting and watery diarrhea for about two days. Apart from that, the children also have abdominal pain and fever. It is possible for the body’s natural defenses to protect healthy adults with normal immune systems against this virus. However, children do not have fully developed and functional immune systems and it is possible for them to fall sick to the point that they need to be hospitalized and given a vitamin drip in Dubai for the treatment of dehydration.


The vaccine need to be given to children orally in three different doses. The first dose is given when the child is between six to twelve weeks old. The second dose is then given at the age of four months and the last one is administered at six months of age.


Your child will also receive the Hib vaccine when he is about two months old. This vaccine is meant to offer protection against the Haemophilus influenza type B. For those who do not know, this is a severe form of bacterial infection that is known to infect children who are less than five years of age. The main source of its transmission is that of sneezing and coughing. The basic symptoms of this infection are inclusive of meningitis, sepsis, pneumonia, skin infection and a severe throat infection. Meningitis happens to be the worst symptom of this illness considering that it has the potential to lead to death as well. Apart from that, nearly 10-30% of the survivors of meningitis suffer from permanent brain damage too.
